For entrepreneurs with transformative & Life Changing offers & services 

 The Curiosity Switch

Flip the switch from feeling like you have to share typical business spiel or industry jargon to instead crafting moments that pique curiosity that sparks better conversations to drive more sales. Without 'being shopped' or 'misunderstood', or feeling like you have to change who you are.

For the most part you are comfortable talking about your business and sales are coming in because most of your marketing is dialled in...

 But yet there are different moments that still come up...

You want to share more about your business but it can occasionally feel weird or unnatural, or even feel like you're putting too much attention on yourself. 

Your marketing message lands most of the time, but then sometimes it's crickets and you can't quite figure out why?

You comment on social media  when a fellow business friend refers and 'tags' you, but then why do the words you comment back with not turn into more conversation? 

Clients who want to book with you still ask the wrong questions or even slightly annoying questions leaving you  feel like you're not on the same page with them. 

You've created more 'I help statements' then you can count on two hands, but very few that really captures the essence of the value your work. 

You share about your business at a networking event it grabs some attention, but it doesn't land the way you'd like.   

What if you stopped sharing the same things you've always shared about your business, or the lingo your industry has taught you to share? 

— and started sharing things about your business that creates curiosity about your work so you can create more sales conversations. Because when this happens....

It will feel natural  

Sharing your business should and can feel natural and it can feel good to confidently have conversations  about your business. 

No need to blow up your marketing 

Just like a light switch that turns from off to on, you can do this with how you talk about your business.  

Magnetic to the right clients  

When you have clarity on what to share about your business this will create better conversations versus  being shopped, misunderstood, or stereo-typed. 

When you share a message that people wouldn't expect to hear, it helps them lean in to start a better and more curious conversation with you.

You've given me a grounded way to conveigh what was important about my business in a way that customers connect with me.


Ready to take your everyday marketing convos to create better conversations which can lead to more connection & sales.  — Without 'being shopped' or 'misunderstood', or feel like you have to change who you are? 

Can we tell you Something?

"What may seem like a barrier to understanding by clients can actually be your unique advantage in delivering a compelling message that drives sales.

As fellow misunderstood individuals, we empathize with the struggle of sharing your business message and not seeing the message not fully landing or getting the desired impact you want.

Over the past six years, we've worked with experts offering transformative services, tackling stereotypes and misconceptions head-on.

Our approach 'flips the script' on traditional industry practices. Instead of conforming to norms that may not resonate with you, we prioritize connecting you to the core of why you do what you do and why it matters to potential clients."

The Curiosity Switch will help you create curious moments in your everyday marketing by creating  better conversations that lead to more sales   — and it's just $27 (USD).

In your corner,

Your Transformative Sales & Client Success Coaches
Jodi & Darryl


Here is everything included inside The Curiosity Switch 

Video training 

Step by step video guidance to turn five of the most every day marketing conversations into curious convos that can lead to more sales. 

 Flip The Script Prompts 

Visual prompts to turn five of the most common everyday marketing conversations and learn how to flip them into curious conversations. 

Video guided workbook

Video guided PDF workbook so you can pause and stop at any moment to ensure you get the guidance at your pace.

Ready to gain the confidence to speak something that feels natural but piques the necessary curiosity that creates better conversations to drive more sales? 

Now you can apply the curiosity switch to help create better conversations that can lead to more sales - starting today!